Preschool PHotographs
If you are a preschool and would like to provide school photos and a class photo for the littles in your school, I would love to help. I make this as smooth as possible for your school. I come in for a day or two, depending on your preschools size, and take, edit, & send gallery links to all the parents. Parents order their images and I deliver them to you, individually packaged by child and sorted by class.
As a thank you to your school I provide all teachers and staff present on the day of school photos their headshot in digital format free & one free class image for each class.
To get a time that works for your school, email Heather at
Pricing for prints & digital files
Visit this gallery for pricing, use “papio” as the password & your personal email to log-in. To see the prices click “buy prints” and you’ll find three lists of options, prints (starting at $5), products (where you will find the option for a file download/digital image for $38), or package options (starting at $15). This site is what you can expect to see when your photos are ready.